Every Sherlock Holmes fan presumably know of his encounter with
Sigmund Freud in Nicholas Meyer's The Seven Percent Solution, or of the return of Moriarty as narrated by John Gardner? But how many fans know of the Great Detective's encounters with real-life founder of the
Paris Sureté Vidocq, the master
gentleman-burglar Arsène Lupin, or even Albert Einstein?
Or of his secret adventures for British Intelligence during the Great War?
The reason why these adventures, and many others, have so far remained relatively obscure in England and in America
is because they have been recorded only in French. Like that other world-famous icon, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Monster (whom Holmes met in a French original radio drama), the Great Detective has lived a number
of extraordinary exploits under the pens of talented French authors, such as René Réouven, André-Paul Duchateau,
Alexis Lecaye, Yves Varende, Béatrice Nicodème,
and others.
The purpose
of this web page is not to be exhaustive and list each and every original Holmes pastiche written in French, but to limit ourselves only to the most nearly-canonical ones,
which deserve a justifiable place in the great Holmesian pantheon. We have not dealt with short stories, satirical
novels, parodies, novels where Holmes makes only an authentically dubious cameo, etc.
We also have not included original French media adaptations of the canon, only original works deriving their inspirations
from the stories of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Finally, Sherlock Holmes fans should also
check our page devoted to Harry Dickson, the so-called "American Sherlock Holmes", initially created as a German pastiche,
but which blossomed into a fully original and rich creation under the pen of the talented Jean Ray.
More about Arsène Lupin.) René Réouven Histoires Secrètes de Sherlock Holmes
(Sherlock Holmes' Secret History) Yves Varende 1. Le Requin de la Tamise
(The Thames Shark) (Lefrancq, 1997)
Catherine Bahoum & Monique Garcia
Le Mystère du Guide Foudroyé
(The Mystery of the Guyide Struck by Lightning)
(Edition du Pin à Crochet, 2002)
Note: In 1886, Sherlock Holmes and Watson
sare invited to the Vignemale (a mountain in the Pyrénnées) by legendary mountaineer Henry Russel.
Ewan Blackshore (Bertrand Puard)
1. La Crypte du Pendu (The Crypt of the Hanged Man, Le Masque, 2001)
2. Le Bourreau Passe à Minuit, My Lord
(The Executioner Arrives at Midnight, My Lord)
(Ed. de La Sentinelle, 2002)
3. La Momie qui Fredonnait (The Mummy That Whistled) (Ed. de La Sentinelle, 2003)
Note: This series, sub-titled "Chronicles
of the Mist" or "Mysteries of the Thames", stars Ted Scribble, a famous London detective who actually
teams up with Sherlock Holmes in Volumes 1 and 3.
Jean-Claude Bologne
Le Testament de Sable (The Testament of Sand) (Ed. du Rocher, 2001)
Sherlock Holmes et le Secret des Lettres (Sherlock Holmes & The Secret of the Letters) (Ed.
du Rocher, 2003)
Note: In the second volume, Sherlock Holmes
and Watson meet Charles Cros, Anthur Rimbaud and Lautréamont.
Thomas Day
L'Instinct de l'Équarrisseur (The Instinct of the Quarrier) (Mnemos, 2002)
Note: Arthur Conan Doyle is surprised
by the materialization of Dr. Watson in his study. Watson has travelled through the dimensions to seek his help.
Doyle and Watson then rejoin Holmes to help solve a series of murders.
André-Paul Duchateau
Sherlock Holmes Revient (Sherlock Holmes Returns) (Lefrancq, 1992)
Note: Four short stories, in which Raffles
challenges Holmes.
A.-P. Duchateau is a renowned comics writer.
He has also written comics adaptations of Sherlock Holmes
(see below), Arsène Lupin, and Rouletabille. Also see his creation, Mr. Magellan.
Jean Dutourd
Mémoires de Mary Watson (Memoirs of Mary Watson) (Flammarion, 1980)
Note: Holmes and Watson as seen by Mrs.
Claude Ferny
Le Gentleman en Noir (The
Gentleman in Black) (Presses Mondiales, c. 1950.)
1. "Sept coups au Coeur"
(Seven Blows in the Heart)
2. "La Tête de Marbre"
(The Marble Head)
Note: An aged Ganimard (named "Galican"
in the novel for copyright reasons) and Sherlock Holmes (called "Aldock Hermès" for the same reasons)
investigate Arsène Lupin's possible return.
Arnould Galopin
L’Homme au Complet Gris (The Man in the Grey Suit) (Albin Michel, 1912)
Note: Young detective "Allan Dickson" (Harry Dickson?) meets an aging Sherlock Holmes dubbed
"Herlokholms" and together, they solve the mystery of Jack the Ripper.
Scheduled to be translated in English by BLACK COAT PRESS.
Sylvie Iwanski
La Jetée Ouest (The West Pier) (Ed. Bellier, 2003)
Note: Sherlock Holmes travels forward
in time to 2001 to escape from a deadly adversary.
Maurice Leblanc
1. "Herlock Sholmes Arrive Trop Tard"
(Herlock Sholmes Arrives Too Late), in
Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Cambrioleur
(Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar) (Je
Sais Tout No. 17, 1906; Volume, Lafitte, 1907)
Note: First encounter between Lupin and
2. Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes
(Arsene Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes) (Vol.
Lafitte, 1908)
Note: Comprised of two stories: "La Dame Blonde" (The
Blonde Lady) (JST Nos. 22-27, 1906/07); and "La
Lampe Juive" (The Jewish Lamp) (JST Nos. 32-33, 1907). Lupin and Holmes challenge each other, each winning in turn.
3. L'Aiguille Creuse (The Hollow Needle) (JST Nos. 44-52, 1908/09; Vol. Lafitte,
Note: Holmes is accidentally responsible
for the death of Lupin's second wife. Holmes is also mentioned in passing in 813 (Lafitte, 1910).
The Black Coat Press books also include three never before published Lupin-Holmes
short stories by J.-M. & R. Lofficier
Alexis Lecaye
1. Marx et Sherlock Holmes (Fayard, 1981)
Note: Holmes meets Marx in Paris during
the Commune.
2. Einstein et Sherlock Holmes (Payot,
Note: Holmes meets a young Albert Einstein.
La Ligue des Héros (Mnémos,
Xavier Mauméjean
Les Mémoires de l'Homme-Elephant (The Memoirs of the Elephant Man) (Le Masque, 2000)
Prix Gérardmer 2000 du Roman Fantastique.
Note: John Merrick meets Sherlock Holmes and Watson. The villain is Professor
Thomas R. Jaimery, an almost-anagram of James Moriarty.
Note: In an alternate England where magic
works, and where Peter Pan and the Lost Boys have returned, Lord Kraven, Lord Greystoke and the Great Detective
have various adventures, but can't save the British Empire.
Scheduled to be translated in English by BLACK
Emmanuel Menard
La Dernière Victime (The Last Victim) (Le Masque 2084, 1992)
Note: Lord Ashley (a corrupt and cynical
politocian) teams up with Arthur Conan Doyle to solve the mystery of Jack the Ripper.
Jean-Pierre Naugrette
Le Crime Etrange de Mr. Hyde (The Strange Crime of Mr. Hyde) (Babel No. 336, 1998)
Note: Holmes investigates Mr. Hyde's murders.
Les Hommes de Cire (The
Wax-Men) (Ed. Climats, 2002)
Note: Mr. Utterson, the late Dr. Jekyll's
solicitor, is threatened by the mysterious "Dr. F" who may be the reincarnation of Mr. Hyde. After Utterson
is killed, Holmes and Watson go after Dr. F.
Béatrice Nicodème
Défi à Sherlock Holmes (Challenge to Sherlock Holmes) (Fleuve Noir, 1993)
Note: Sherlock Holmes answers the challenge
of a serial killer who calls himself "Cancrelat" (Cockroach).
(for more about Fleuve Noir).
Ms. Nicodème is also the author of a popular juvenile series starring Wiggins, a youthful Sherlock Holmes.
1. Wiggins et la Ligne Chocolat (Wiggins & The Chocolate Line) (Syros, 1995)
2. Wiggins et le Perroquet Muet (Wiggins & The Dumb Parrot) (Syros, 1997)
3. Wiggins et Sherlock contre Napoléon
(Wiggins & Sherlock vs. Napoleon)
(Hachette, 2000)
Note: Wiggins actually meets Holmes.
4. Wiggins chez les Johnnies (Wiggins & The Johnnies) (Syros, 2003)
Note: Wiggins rescues Sherlock Holmes
who is being kept prisoner in a sinister pub.
Pierre Pevel
Viktoria 91 (Ed. Imaginaires sans Frontieres,
Note: British journalist Latimer, investigates
the disappearance of the beautiful Lady Audrey Burton's brother -- his investigations takes him into Whitechapel.
This novel includes several references to Sherlock Holmes, among others: - p. 22: the hero advises a young woman
to seek Holmes' services. - p. 50-51: Lestrade is the inspector who mistakenly arrests the hero. - p. 128-131:
Holmes sends a long letter (quoted extensively) to the hero, etc.
1. Elementaire, Mon Cher Holmes (Elementary, My Dear Holmes)
(published under the pseudonym of Albert Davidson)
(Denoel Sueurs Froides, 1982)
Note: Holmes captures Jack the Ripper.
2. L'Assassin du Boulevard (The Murderer of the Boulevard)
(Denoel Sueurs Froides, 1985)
Note: In Paris, Holmes fights a criminal
conspiracy. (For more, see here.)
3. Le Bestiaire de Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes' Bestiary)
(Denoel Sueurs Froides, 1987)
Note: Collection of short stories: "Les
Singluières Aventures de Grice Patterson dans l'Ile d'Uffa", "La Sangsue", "Le Ver",
"Le Cormoran", "Le Rat".
4. Les Passe-Temps de Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes' Passtimes)
(Denoel Sueurs Froides, 1989)
Note: Collection of short stories: "La
Tragédie des Addleton", "La Mort Subite du Cardinal Tosca", "La Persécution Spéciale".
5. Le Détective Volé (The Purloined Detective)
(Denoel, 1988)
Note: Returning to Paris, Holmes meets
Vidocq, Lacenaire and, in America, Poe.
-- All five volumes collected in an omnibus edition entitled Histoires Secrètes
de Sherlock Holmes (Sherlock Holmes' Secret
(Denoel Sueurs Froides, 1993)
Note: Contains three additional short
stories never collected before: "Le Drame Ténébreux qui se déroula entre les Frères
Atkinson de Tricomalee", "Histoires Secrètes de 1887", and "La Plus Grande Machination
du Siècle".
(Denoel, 2002)
Note: Reprints all previous volumes in
a 1003-page book with foreword by Jacques Baudou.
Jean-Jacques Sirkis
La Grand' Mère de Sherlock Holmes
(Séguier, 1995)
Note: Researching his grand-mother Augusta,
Holmes discovers that he is descended from the Marquis de Sade. Starring Sarah Bernhardt, Catulle Mendès,
Oscar Wilde and Jack the Ripper.
1. Sherlock Holmes Revient (Sherlock Holmes Returns)
(Fleuve Noir Super Poche, 1996)
Note: Varende rewrites the original German
pastiches which later became the Harry Dickson
stories -- a unique case of literary feedback.
(For More about Harry Dickson.)
2. Sherlock Holmes vs. The Kaiser Agents
Note: In this series, Churchill enlists
Holmes' help to thwart German spies and saboteurs during World War I.
2. Le Tueur dans le Fog (The Killer in the Fog) (Lefrancq, 1997)
3. Le Secret de l'Ile aux Chiens (The Secret of the Isle of Dogs) (Lefrancq, 1997)
4. Les Meurtres du Titanic (The Titanic Murders) (Lefrancq, 1998)
5. L'Otage de Fraulein Doktor (The Hostage of Fraulein Doktor) (Lefrancq, 1998)
3. Sherlock Holmes et les Fantômes (Sherlock Holmes and the Ghosts)
(Fleuve Noir Bibliothèque du Fantastique, 1999)
Pierre de Wattyne & Yorril Walter
Sherlock Holmes
vs. Fantomas (La Mort d' Herlock Sholmes, ou Bandits en Habits Noirs)
A drama in 5 acts (1914).
L'Affaire Frankenstein
(France-Culture, 18 October-5 November 1999)
Dir: Christine Bernard-Sugy.
Wri: Denis Boissier, based on the characters
created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and Mary Shelley.
Voices: Jean-Gabriel Nordmann (Sherlock
Holmes), André Falcon (Dr Watson), Guillaume de Tonquedec (Cécil Clayton), Raphaëline Goupilleau
(Eleonora Porter), Jean Topart (Frankenstein), Mark Blezinger (Colonel Bücher), Frédéric Cuif
(Aide de camp), Jörn Cambreleng (Professor Waldemar), Olivier Arrighi (Monster), Pierre Laplace (Tarzan).
Story: In 1911, Holmes is summoned back
into action by British Intelligence when they discover that the Kaiser's agents have discovered the frozen body
of Frankenstein's Monster.
Lefrancq Series:
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Soleil Series: Wri: J.-P. Croquet; Art: B. Bonté. 1. L'Étoile Sanglante (The Bloody Star) (Soleil, 2000; reprint Lefrancq #7) 2. La Folie du Colonel Warburton (The Madness of Colonel Warburton) (Soleil, 2000) 3. L'Ombre de Menephta (The Shadow of Menephta) (Soleil, 2001) 4. Le Secret de l'Ile d'Uffa (The Secret of the Island of Uffa) (Soleil, 2001) 5. Le Vampire du West End (The West End Vampire) (Soleil, 2002) |
Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes: La Dame Blonde (Arsene Lupin vs. Herlock Sholmes: The Blonde Lady) Wri: Joëlle Gilles; Art: Joëlle Gilles & B. Cado. Published by the Authors, 1983. Une Etude en Rouge (A Study in Scarlet) Wri/Art: Longaron & Ricard. (P&T, 1995) |