The Author
Carrière is a prolific French writer
and screenwriter, who has collaborated with directors Luis Buñuel, Jacques Deray, Jesus
"Jess" Franco, Jean-Luc Godard, Louis Malle and Volker Schlondorff,
to name but a few. An incomplete list of his credits (emphasizing science fiction, fantasy and horror projects)
Cartes sur Table [Cards On The Table, Attack Of The Robots]
Le Journal d'une Femme de Chambre [Diary Of A Chambermaid]
Dans les Griffes du Maniaque [In The Grip Of The Maniac,
The Diabolical Dr. Z, Miss Death And Dr. Z, Miss
Death] (1965)
Viva Maria (1965)
Hotel Paradiso (1966)
Le Voleur [The Thief] (1967)
Belle de Jour [Beautiful By Day] (1967)
La Piscine [The Swimming Pool] (1969)
La Voie Lactée [The Milky Way]
L'Alliance [The Alliance] (1970)
Borsalino (1970)
Un Homme est Mort [A Man Is Dead, The Outside Man] (1972)
Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie [The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie] (1972)
Le Moine [The Monk] (1972)
France, Société Anonyme [France, Inc.]
La Femme aux Bottes Rouges [The Woman With Red Boots]
Le Fantôme de la Liberté [Phantom Of Liberty]
Léonor (1975)
Le Diable dans la Boite [The Devil In The Box]
Cet Obscur Objet du Désir [That Obscure Object Of Desire] (1977)
Photo Souvenir [Souvenir Shots] (TV) (1978)
Ils Sont Grands Ces Petits [The Kids Have Grown Up]
The Tin Drum (1979)
Sauve qui Peut La Vie [Every Man For Himself]
La Double Vie De Théophraste Longuet [The Double Life Of Théophraste
Longuet] (TV) (1981)
Je Tue Il [I Kill He] (TV) (1982)
Le Retour de Martin Guerre [The Return Of Martin Guerre]
Le Jardinier Récalcitrant [The Rebel Gardener]
(TV) (1983)
Danton (1983)
Un Amour de Swann [Swann In Love] (1984)
L'Unique [The Only One] (1985)
Les Étonnements d'un Couple Moderne [The Astonishments Of A Modern Couple] (TV) (1986)
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988)
Valmont (1989)
Cyrano de Bergerac (1990)