Created by: Henri Vernes (Charles-Henri Dewisme) (1918- ).
Publishing History
In 1952, Belgian
publisher Marabout launched a new young adult imprint, entitled "Marabout
Junior", which released a steady flow of adventure novels. By far the
most popular series of "Marabout Junior" adventures featured Nick Jordan, an espionage hero created by André
Fernez; and Bob
Morane, by Henri Vernes, which began in 1963 and has continued to this day, totalling a staggering 177 volumes!
Henri Vernes was the pseudonym
of Belgian writer Charles-Henri Dewisme who, since 1944, had previously penned a number of popular mysteries, thrillers,
and science fiction novels under his own name, or using the pseudonyms of "Lew Shannon" and "Jacques
In 1967, "Marabout Junior" changed
its name to "Marabout Pocket",
and added several new adventure series: Kim Carnot,
another spy hero by Jacques Legray; Gil Terrail,
a daring investigator; Jo Gaillard, a
sea captain; as well as translations of Doc Savage
and a western series, Dylan Stark, by
Pierre Pelot. But throughout, the focus remained on Bob Morane, the undisputed star of the imprint, still featuring the remarkably distinctive covers illustrated
by artist Pierre Joubert.
In 1977, Marabout
went bankrupt, and the next year, Bob Morane
migrated to "Le Masque", an
imprint of the Libraire des Champs-Elysées, known mostly for their detective novels (Agatha Christie, etc.).
Le Masque published a mix of reprints
and new novels. In 1982, the Bob Morane
license briefly went to "Bibliothèque Verte",
an imprint of Hachette (which also published Langelot).
Then, after a 5-year hiatus, Bob Morane
was picked up again in 1988 by Editions Fleuve Noir (for
more about Fleuve Noir). Between 1983 and 1986 Henri Vernes had been writing a more adult series for Fleuve Noir, the James Bond-like Don (he later recycled some of the Don plots into Bob Morane
novels), and he he had therefore developed a relationship with Fleuve Noir.
Finally, in 1992, Bob Morane was taken
over by Belgian publisher Claude Lefrancq,
who continued the tradition of reprints and new novels, and added thematic omnibus editions and graphic novels.
Sadly, Lefrancq went out of business in
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Other Media
The Stories and Characters
One of the longest and most popular juvenile adventure series in the world, The basic concept was pure adventure: Bob Morane is a retired French air force major and WWII air force hero (in the RAF) with the rank of Commandant (Major?). He was born on 16 October 1926. He lives on the Quai Voltaire in Paris but also owns a country estate in the Dordogne, a palazzo in Venice and the hidden valley of the Blue Lake in the Andes. His friend and regular sidekick is a tough, burly scotsman, Bill Ballantine, who owns a chicken ranch in Scotland. Together, they fight evil throughout the world, sometimes in space and even through time itself.
Some of their allies and recurring character include: CIA spymaster Herbert
Gaines; kindly Professor Aristide Clairambart,
an archeolist specialised in dead civilizations; spunky investigative reporter Sophia
Paramount; the head of the Time Patrol,
Colonel Graigh; Sir Archibald Baywater, the Head of Scotland Yard; and the Yellow Shadow's own niece, Tania
Orloff, in love with Bob.
Bob Morane's colorful rogues' gallery includes: Roman ORGONETZ Orgonetz appeared in Nos. 16, 17, 23, 31, 41, 45, 53, 71, 73, 83, 88,
116, 123, 142, 158, 161, 164, 167, 171, 178, 179, 181.
The diabolical Monsieur Ming,
a.k.a. the "Yellow Shadow",
an Oriental mastermind bent on universal domination. Ming is the leader of the Shin
Tan (Old Asia) cult. He may be the Emperor Ming Tsai Tsou who ruled China
from 1368-1398 and stole his science from the hidden Agartha in Tibet. He has superhuman hypnotic powers and his
right hand is a robotic replica. When mortally wounded, a duplicating machine brings Ming back to life again, rendering
him impossible to kill. Ming appeared in Nos. 33, 35, 37, 38, 43, 50, 57, 63, 72, 75, 76, 87, 90, 91, 92, 93, 99,
105, 115, 122, 126, 135, 137, 139, 143, 144, 148 & 149 (both with The Tiger), 157, 158 (with SMOG), 161 (with
SMOG), 172 (origin story) and 192.
Miss Ylang-Ylang appeared in Nos. 71, 78, 83, 88, 96, 100, 107, 123, 142,
155, 158, 161, 164, 167, 171, 178, 179, 181.
SMOG, an international spy cartel led by the
beautiful but deadly Miss Ylang-Ylang
who is secretly in love with Bob.
Her ruthless henchman is Roman Orgonetz,
a professional assassin with teeth of gold who was defeated by Bob several times before he joined SMOG.
Monsieur Ming thwarted SMOG's goals in No. 158 and 161.
The mad scientist Dr. Nicolas-Athanase Xhatan, self-dubbed master of light, who is served by an artificially created breed of green-skinned
Dr. Xhatan appeared in Nos. 60 (not yet named), 79, 80, 106.
Other recurring villains:
The humanoid Toad-Men,
descendents of an alien race stranded on our world long ago, secret masters of robotics. The Toad Men appeared in Nos. 86, 89, 129, 174. |
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The Tiger, an
ordinary tramp whose intelligence was boosted with the memories of several brilliant scientists -- and that of
a deadly man-eating tiger. The Tiger appeared in Nos. 124, 125, 145, 148, 149 (the last two being also in conflict with Monsieur Ming). |
One sub-set of Bob Morane
adventures was Le Cycle du Temps (The Time Saga), which pitted Bob Morane and the Time Patrol
(previously encountered in Nos. 20 and 69 of the series) together against the Yellow Shadow, who was always trying
to change the course of history to conquer the world. Time Patrol adventures include: Nos. 90, 91, 92, 93, 99, 105, 115, 126, 139, 143, 149, 168, 172, 177. |
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Another notable sub-set series was Le Cycle d'Ananké (The Ananke Saga),
in which Bob Morane and Bill Ballantine found themselves prisoners on a nightmarish, multi-levelled, other-dimensional
world, and escaped only after a series of harrowing adventures. The Ananke Saga comprises Nos. 127, 130, 134, 141, 146. It has since been revealed that the Ananké Saga was, in fact, ghost-written by Belgian writer Philippe Vandooren (who passed away in 2000) and who was a long-time editor-in-chief of the comics magazine Spirou. |
"Marabout Junior":
1. La Vallée Infernale [The Infernal Valley] (MarJ 16, 1953)
2. La Galère Engloutie [The Sunken Galley] (MarJ 21, 1954)
3. Sur la Piste de Fawcett [On The Trail Of Fawcett] (MarJ 26, 1954)
4. La Griffe de Feu [The Fire Claw] (MarJ 30, 1954)
5. Panique dans le Ciel [Panic In The Sky] (MarJ 34, 1954)
6. L'Héritage du Flibustier [The Pirate's Inheritance] (MarJ 38, 1954)
7. Les Faiseurs de Désert [The Desert Makers] (MarJ 42, 1955)
8. Le Sultan de Jarawak [The Sultan Of Jarawak] (MarJ 46, 1955)
9. Oasis K Ne Répond Plus [Oasis K Does Not Answer] (MarJ 50, 1955)
10. La Vallée des Brontosaures [The Valley Of The Brontosaurus] (MarJ 54, 1955)
11. Les Requins d'Acier [The Steel Sharks] (MarJ 58, 1955)
12. Le Secret des Mayas [The Secret Of The Mayas] (MarJ 62, 1955)
13. La Croisière du Mégophias [The Cruise Of The Megophias] (MarJ 66, 1956)
14. Opération Atlantide [Operation Atlantis] (MarJ 70, 1956)
15. La Marque de Kali [The Mark Of Kali] (MarJ 74, 1956)
16. Mission pour Thulé [Mission For Thule] (MarJ 78, 1956)
17. La Cité des Sables [The City Of The Sands] (MarJ 82, 1956)
18. Les Monstres de l'Espace [The Monsters From Space] (MarJ 86, 1956)
19. Le Masque de Jade [The Jade Mask] (MarJ 90, 1957)
20. Les Chasseurs de Dinosaures [The Dinosaur Hunters] (MarJ 94, 1957)
21. Échec à la Main Noire [The Black Hand In Check] (MarJ 98, 1957)
22. Les Démons des Cataractes [The Demons Of The Waterfalls] (MarJ 102, 1957)
23. La Fleur du Sommeil [The Flower Of Sleep] (MarJ 106, 1957)
24. L'Idole Verte [The Green Idol] (MarJ 110, 1957)
25. L'Empereur de Macao [The Emperor Of Macau] (MarJ 114, 1958)
26. Tempête sur les Andes [Storms Over The Andes] (MarJ 118, 1958)
27. L'Orchidée Noire [The Black Orchid] (MarJ 122, 1958)
28. Les Compagnons de Damballah [The Companions Of Damballah] (MarJ 126, 1958)
29. Les Géants de la Taïga [The Giants Of The Taiga] (MarJ 130, 1958)
30-31. Les
Dents du Tigre (2 vols.) [The Teeth Of The Tiger] (MarJ 134, 1958)
32. Le Gorille Blanc [The White Gorilla] (MarJ 138, 1959)
33. La Couronne de Golconde [The Crown Of Golconde] (MarJ 142, 1959)
34. Le Maître du Silence [The Master Of Silence] (MarJ 146, 1959)
35. L'Ombre Jaune [The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 150, 1959)
36. L'Ennemi Invisible [The Invisible Enemy] (MarJ 154, 1959)
37. La Revanche de l'Ombre Jaune [The Revenge Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 158, 1959)
38. Le Châtiment de l'Ombre Jaune [The Punishment Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 162, 1960)
39. L'Espion aux Cent Visages [The Spy With A Hundred Faces] (MarJ 166, 1960)
40. Le Diable du Labrador [The Labrador Devil] (MarJ 170, 1960)
41. L'Homme aux Dents d'Or [The Man With The Teeth Of Gold] (MarJ 174, 1960)
42. La Vallée des Mille Soleils [The Valley Of A Thousand Suns] (MarJ 178, 1960)
43. Le Retour de l'Ombre Jaune [The Return Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 182, 1960)
44. Le Démon Solitaire [The Lonely Demon] (MarJ 186, 1960)
45. Les Mangeurs d'Atome [The Atom Eaters] (MarJ 190, 1961)
46. Le Temple des Crocodiles [The Temple Of The Crocodiles] (MarJ 194, 1961)
47. Le Tigre des Lagunes [The Lagoon Tiger] (MarJ 198, 1961)
48. Le Dragon des Fenstone [The Fenstone Dragon] (MarJ 202, 1961)
49. Trafic aux Caraïbes [Traffic In The Caribbean] (MarJ 206, 1961)
50. Les Sosies de l'Ombre Jaune [The Duplicates Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 210, 1961)
51. Formule X 33 [Formula X 33] (MarJ 214, 1962)
52. Le Lagon aux Requins [The Shark Lagoon] (MarJ 218, 1962)
53. Le Masque Bleu [The Blue Mask] (MarJ 222, 1962)
54. Les Semeurs de Foudre [The Sowers Of Lightning] (MarJ 226, 1962)
55. Le Club des Longs Couteaux [The Club Of The Long Knives] (MarJ 230, 1962)
56. La Voix du Mainate [The Mynah's Voice] (MarJ 234, 1962)
57. Les Yeux de l'Ombre Jaune [The Eyes Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 238, 1962)
58. La Guerre des Baleines [The War Of The Whales] (MarJ 242, 1963)
59. Les Sept Croix de Plomb [The Seven Lead Crosses] (MarJ 246, 1963)
60. Opération
Wolf (MarJ 250, 1963)
61. La Rivière de Perles [The River Of Pearls] (MarJ 254, 1963)
62. La Vapeur du Passé [The Mists Of The Past] (MarJ 258, 1963)
63. L'Héritage de l'Ombre Jaune [The Inheritance Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 262, 1963)
64. Mission à Orly [Mission At Orly] (MarJ 266, 1964)
65. L'Oeil d'Émeraude [The Emerald Eye] (MarJ 270, 1964)
66. Les Joyaux de Maharadjah [The Maharadjah's Jewels] (MarJ 274, 1964)
67. Escale à Felicidad [Stop-Over In Felicidad] (MarJ 278, 1964)
68. L'Ennemi Masqué [The Masked Enemy] (MarJ 282, 1964)
69. S.S.S. [Secret Service Saucers] (MarJ 286, 1964)
70. Le Camion Infernal [The Infernal Truck] (MarJ 290, 1964)
71. Terreur à la Manicouagan [Terror In Manikwagan] (MarJ 294, 1965)
72. Les Guerriers de l'Ombre Jaune [The Warriors Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 298, 1965)
73. Le Président Ne Mourra Pas [The President Shall Not Die] (MarJ 306, 1965)
74. Le Secret de l'Antarctique [The Secret Of The Antarctic] (MarJ 310, 1965)
75. La Cité de l'Ombre Jaune [The City Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 314, 1965)
76. Les Jardins de l'Ombre Jaune [The Gardens Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarJ 315, 1965)
77. Le Collier de Civa [The Necklace Of Shiva] (MarJ 318, 1966)
78. Organisation Smog (MarJ 322, 1966)
79. Le Mystérieux Dr. Xhatan [The Mysterious Dr. Xhatan] (MarJ 328, 1966)
80. Xhatan, Maître de la Lumière [Xhatan, Master Of Light] (MarJ 340, 1966)
81. Le Roi des Archipels [The King Of The Archipelagos] (MarJ 346, 1966)
82. Le Samouraï aux Mille Soleils [The Samurai Of A Thousand Suns] (MarJ 352, 1967)
"Marabout Pocket":
83. Un Parfum d'Ylang-Ylang [A Scent Of Ylang-Ylang] (MarP 6, 1967)
84. Le Talisman des Voïvodes [The Talisman Of The Voivoids] (MarP 13, 1967)
85. Le Cratère des Immortels [The Crater Of The Immortals] (MarP 24, 1967)
86. Les Crapauds de la Mort [The Toad Men Of Death] (MarP 30, 1967)
87. Les Papillons de l'Ombre Jaune [The Butterflies Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 39, 1968)
88. Alias M.D.O. (MarP 45, 1968)
89. L'Empreinte du Crapaud [The Mark Of The Toad Men] (MarP 49, 1968)
90. La Forteresse de l'Ombre Jaune [The Fortress Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 54, 1968)
91. Le Satellite de l'Ombre Jaune [The Satellite Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 57, 1968)
92. Les Captifs de l'Ombre Jaune [The Captives Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 60, 1968)
93. Les Sortilèges de l'Ombre Jaune [The Spells Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 66, 1969)
94. Les Mangeurs d'Âmes [The Soul Eaters] (MarP 70, 1969)
95. La Terreur Verte [Green Terror] (MarP 74, 1969)
96. Menace sous la Mer [The Undersea Menace] (MarP 78, 1969)
97. Les Masques de Soie [The Silk Masks] (MarP 80, 1969)
98. L'Oiseau de Feu [The Firebird] (MarP 81, 1969)
99. Les Bulles de l'Ombre Jaune [The Bubbles Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 83, 1970)
100. Commando Epouvante [Terror Commando] (MarP 85, 1970)
101. La Piste de l'Ivoire [The Ivory Trail] (MarP 87, 1970)
102. Les Tours de Cristal [The Towers Of Crystal] (MarP 88, 1970)
103. Les Cavernes de la Nuit [The Caverns Of Night] (MarP 90, 1970)
104. L'Île du Passé [The Island Of The Past] (MarP 91, 1970)
105. Une Rose pour l'Ombre Jaune [A Rose for The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 93, 1970)
106. Rendez-vous à Nulle Part [Rendezvous At Nowhere] (MarP 95, 1971)
107. Les Contrebandiers de l'Atome [The Atom Smugglers] (MarP 97, 1971)
108. L'Archipel de la Terreur [The Archipelago Of Terror] (MarP 99, 1971)
109. La Vallée des Crotales [The Valley Of The Rattlesnakes] (MarP 101, 1971)
110. Les Spectres
d'Atlantis [The Spectres From Atlantis] (MarP 103, 1972)
111. Ceux-Des-Roches-Qui-Parlent [Those-From-The-Talking-Rocks] (MarP 105, 1972)
112. Poison Blanc [White Poison] (MarP 107, 1972)
113. Krouic (MarP 109, 1972)
114. Piège au Zacaldago [Trap In Zacaldago] (MarP 111, 1972)
115. La Prison de l'Ombre Jaune [The Prison Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 112, 1973)
116. Le Secret des Sept Temples [The Secret Of The Seven Temples] (MarP 114, 1973)
117. Zone "Z" (MarP 116, 1973)
118. Panne Sèche à Serado [Out Of Gas In Serado] (MarP 117, 1973)
119. L'Epée du Paladin [The Sword Of The Paladin] (MarP 119, 1973)
120. Le Sentier de la Guerre [The Warpath] (MarP 120, 1973)
121. Les Voleurs de Mémoire [The Memory Thieves] (MarP 121, 1973)
122. Les Poupées de l'Ombre Jaune [The Dolls Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 122, 1974)
123. Opération Chevalier Noir [Operation Black Knight] (MarP 124, 1974)
124. La Mémoire du Tigre [The Tiger's Memory] (MarP 126, 1974)
125. La Colère du Tigre [The Tiger's Wrath] (MarP 128, 1974)
126. Les Fourmis de l'Ombre Jaune [The Ants Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 129, 1974)
127. Les Murailles d'Ananké [The Walls Of Ananke] (MarP 130, 1974)
128. Les Damnés de l'Or [The Gold Curse] (MarP 132, 1975)
129. Le Masque du Crapaud [The Mask Of The Toad Men] (MarP 133, 1975)
130. Les Périls
d'Ananké [The Perils Of Ananke] (MarP 135, 1975)
131. Guerilla à Tumbaga [Guerilla In Tumbaga] (MarP 136, 1975)
132. La Tête du Serpent [The Serpent's Head] (MarP 138, 1975)
133. El Matador (MarP 139, 1975)
134. Les Anges d'Ananké [The Angels Of Ananke] (MarP 141, 1976)
135. Le Poison de l'Ombre Jaune [The Poison Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 144, 1976)
136. Le Revenant des Terres Rouges [The Ghost Of The Red Lands] (MarP 145, 1976)
137. Les Jeux de l'Ombre Jaune [The Games Of The Yellow Shadow] (MarP 146, 1976)
138. La Malle à Malices [The Chest Of Tricks] (MarP 147, 1976)
139. L'Ombre Jaune Fait Trembler la Terre [The Yellow Shadow Makes The Earth Quake] (MarP 148, 1976)
140. Mise en Boîte Maison [House Wrapping] (MarP 149, 1977)
141. Les Caves d'Ananké [The Caverns Of Ananke] (MarP 150, 1977)
142. Dans le Triangle des Bermudes [In The Bermuda Triangle] (MarP 151, 1977)
"Le Masque":
143. La Prisonnière de l'Ombre Jaune [The Prisoner Of The Yellow Shadow]
(MBN 4, 1978)
144. La Griffe de l'Ombre Jaune [The Claw Of The Yellow Shadow] (MBN 6, 1978)
145. La Tanière du Tigre [The Tiger's Lair] (MBN 9, 1978)
146. Les Plaines d'Ananké [The Plains Of Ananke] (MBN 12, 1979)
147. Le Trésor de l'Ombre Jaune [The Treasure Of The Yellow Shadow] (MBN 15, 1979)
148. L'Ombre Jaune et l'Héritage du Tigre [The Yellow Shadow And The Tiger's Inheritance] (MBN 20, 1979)
149. Le Soleil de l'Ombre Jaune [The Sun Of The Yellow Shadow] (MBN 23, 1979)
150. Trafics à Paloma [Traffic In Paloma] (MBN 26, 1980)
151. Des Loups sur la Piste [Wolves On The Trail] (MBN 29, 1980)
152. Snake (MBN 31, 1980)
153. Trois Petits Singes [Three Little Monkeys] (MBN 34, 1980)
"Bibliothèque Verte":
154. L'Oeil du Samouraï [The Samurai's Eye] (BV 4, 1982)
155. Les Yeux du Brouillard [The Eyes In The Fog] (BV 8, 1983)
"Fleuve Noir":
156. L'Arbre de la Vie [The Tree Of Life] (FNBM 1, 1988)
157. L'Ombre Jaune s'en va t'en Guerre [The Yellow Shadow Goes To War] (FNBM 9, 1988)
158. L'Exterminateur [The Exterminator] (FNBM 13, 1989)
159. Les Berges du Temps [The Shores Of Time] (FNBM 18, 1989)
160. La Nuit des Négriers [The Night Of The Slavers] (FNBM 21, 1989)
161. Le Jade de Séoul [The Jade From Seoul] (FNBM 26, 1990)
162. La Cité des Rêves [The Dream City] (FNBM 33, 1990)
163. Rendez-Vous à Maripasoula [Rendezvous At Maripasoula] (FNBM 41, 1991)
"Claude Lefrancq":
164. La Panthère des Hauts Plateaux [The Panther Of The High Plains]
(Lefrancq 4, 1992)
165. La Guerre du Cristal [The Crystal War] (Lefrancq 8, 1992)
166. Les Larmes du Soleil [The Tears Of The Sun] (Lefrancq 12, 1993)
167. Les Démons de la Guerre [The Demons Of War] (Lefrancq 16, 1993)
168. Les Déserts d'Amazonie [The Amazonian Desert] (Lefrancq 19, 1994)
169. Bételgeuse et Companie [Betelgeuse & Co.] (Lefrancq 20, 1994)
170. Le Réveil de Kukulcan [Kukulcan Awakens] (Lefrancq 22, 1994)
171. L'Anneau de Salomon [The Ring Of Solomon] (Lefrancq 24, 1995)
172. Les Mille et Une Vies de l'Ombre Jaune [The Thousand And One Lives Of The Yellow Shadow] (Lefrancq 26, 1995)
173. La Bête Hors des Âges [The Beast Out Of The Ages] (Lefrancq 32, 1995)
174. L'Antre du Crapaud [The Lair Of The Toad Men] (Lefrancq 36, 1996)
175. Yang et Yin (Lefrancq 42, 1997)
176. Les Pièges de Cristal [The Crystal Traps] (Lefrancq 46, 1997)
177. La Guerre du Pacifique n'aura pas lieu [The War In The Pacific Shall Not Take Place] (Lefrancq, 1997)
178. Santeria Drums (Lefrancq 57, 1998)
179. Demonia Maxima (Lefrancq 61, 1998)
180. Le Pharaon de Venise [The Pharaoh Of Venice] (Lefrancq 65, 1999)
"Le Cri":
181. L'Oeil de l'Iguanodon [The Eye of the Iguanodon] (Le Cri, 2000)
182. Les Passagers du Miroir [The Passengers of the Mirror] (2001)
183. Le Dernier Massaï [The Last Masai] (2001)
184. La Fille de l'Anaconda [The Anaconda's Daughter] (2002)
185. Le Portrait de la Walkyrie [The Portrait of the Valkyrie] (2002)
186. Les esprits du vent et de la peste [Spirits of Wind and Plague] (2003)
187. L'anse du pirate [Pirate's Cove] (2003)
188. L'épée de d'Artagnan [The Sword of d'Artagnan] (novella) (2003)
189. La plume de cristal [The Crystal Feather] (2004)
190. Le cri de la louve [Cry of the She-Wolf] (2004)
191. L'émissaire du 6 juin [The Emissary of June 6] (2004)
192. La lumière de l'Ombre Jaune [The Light of the Yellow Shadow] (2004)
193. Aux Origines de l'Imaginaire [The Origins of Imagination] (novella) (2004)
194. La porte du cauchemar [Gate of Nightmares] (2005)
195. Retour à Overlord [Return to Overlord] (2005)
196. L'affaire du Louvre [The Louvre affair] (2005)
197. Chambre 312 [Room 312] (novella)
198. Les ruines de Barxalia [The Ruins of Barxalia] (2005)
199. Les Cavaliers de l'Apocalypse [The Horsemen of the Apocalypse] (novella) (2006)
200. Les Secrets de l'Ombre Jaune [The Secrets of the Yellow Shadow] (2006)
201. Escale Forcée [Forced Stopover] (novella)
202. Les Nuits de l'Ombre Jaune [The Nights of the Yellow Shadow] (2007)
203. L'Ombre du Lieutenant [The Lieutenant's Shadow] (novella) (2007)
204. Mngwa !
205. Une Voix d'Enfant (A Child's Voice] (novella)
206. L'énigme du pôle -1: La chose dans les glaces (2007)
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