Bob Morane
(ORTF 2, B&W., Twenty-Six 30 min. episodes, beginning 28 March 1965)
Dir: Robert Vernay.
Wri: J. M. Arlaud, Henri Vernes, based on his novels.

Regular Cast: Claude Titre (Bob Morane), Billy Kearns (Bill Ballantine).

1. La Cité des Sables (The City of the Sands)
Story: Morane embarks on a Middle-Eastern adventure.
Note: Based on Book No.17 (1956).

2. La Galère Engloutie (The Sunken Galley)
Story: Morane goes after an underwater treasure.
Note: Based on Book No.2 (1954).

3. L'Héritage du Flibustier (The Pirate's Inheritance)
Story: Another treasure hunt.
Note: Based on Book No.6 (1954).

4. Échec à la Main Noire (The Black Hand in Check)
Story: Morane vs. the Mafia.
Note: Based on Book No.21 (1957).

5. La Vallée des Brontosaures (The Valley of the Brontosauri)
Story: A hidden graveyard of dinosaurs.
Note: Based on Book No.10 (1955).

6. La Fleur du Sommeil (The Flower of Sleep)
Story: Morane fights an opium ring.
Note: Based on Book No.23 (1957).

7. Le Démon Solitaire (The Lone Demon)
Story: Morane goes after a wild horse.
Note: Based on Book No.44 (1960).

8. Le Temple des Crocodiles (The Temple of the Crocodiles)
Story: Morane discovers a lost Egyptian temple.
Note: Based on Book No.46 (1961).

9. Le Tigre des Lagunes (The Lagoon Tiger)
Story: Morane defeats a famous pirate.
Note: Based on Book No.47 (1961).

10. Le Dragon des Fenstone (The Fenstone Dragon)
Story: A fake dragon is used to commit a crime.
Note: Based on Book No.48 (1961).

11. Rafale en Méditerranée (Storm over the Mediterranean)
Story: Morane fights a ring of smugglers.
Note: Adapted from Book No. 49: Trafic aux Caraïbes (Traffic in the Caribbean, 1961).

12. Les Semeurs de Foudre (The Sowers of Lightning)
Story: A gang of villains use controlled lightning as their weapon.
Note: Based on Book No.54 (1962).

13. Le Club des Longs Couteaux (The Club of the Long Knives)
Story: Morane defeats a Chinese Tong.
Note: Based on Book No.55 (1962).

14. La Voix du Mainate (The Mynah's Voice)
Story: A Mynah bird has been taught secret information.
Note: Based on Book No.56 (1962).

15. Le Lagon aux Requins (The Shark Lagoon)
Story: Morane fights a gang of pirates.
Note: Based on Book No.52 (1962).

16. La Rivière de Perles (The River of Pearls)
Story: in Hong Kong, Morane searches for a valuable necklace.
Note: Based on Book No.61 (1963).

17. Mission à Orly (Mission at Orly)
Story: Morane prevents a kidnapping.
Note: Based on Book No. 64 (1964).

18. Les Joyaux du Maradjah (The Jewels of the Maharadjah)
Story: Morane prevents a revolution.
Note: Based on Book No.66 (1964).

19. Le Camion Infernal (The Truck from Hell)
Story: Morane accepts a suicide mission.
Note: Based on Book No.70 (1964).

20. Mission à Montellano (Mission in Montellano)
Story: Morane transports an invaluable rocket part.
Note: Based on Book No.16: Mission pour Thulé (Mission for Thule, 1956).

21. Le Témoin (The Witness)
Story: Morane protects a schoolteacher who witenessed a crime (new story).

22. Le Gardian Noir (The Black Guardian)
Story: Morane thwarts a plot among the Gypsies (new story).

23. Le Prince (The Prince)
Story: Morane impersonates an escape artist (new story).

24. Complot à Trianon (Plot at the Trianon)
Story: Morane prevents a political assassination (new story).

25. Le Cheik Masqué (The Masked Sheik)
Story: Morane exposes a criminal (new story).

26. Les Forbans de l'Or Noir (The Black Gold Villains)
Story: Morane thwarts a sabotage ring (new story).


L'Espion aux Cent Visages (The Spy with a Hundred Faces)
(Belgavideo, 1960)
Dir: No information available.
Cast: Jacques Santi (Morane).
Story: Based on Book No.39 (1960).


1. RCA, 1960.
: Jacques Beretti (Bob Morane).
Panique dans le ciel
La vallée infernale
Mission pour Thulé
Le masque de jade
L'Oiseau de Feu

2. Phillips, 1966

Voices: Claude Titre (Bob Morane), Billy Kearns (Bill Ballantine).
L'Ombre Jaune
La voix du mainate

3. Musidic, 1971
Le Brouillard Doré (The Golden Mist)
Dir/Wri: Jean Maurel.
Voices: Jean Berger (Bob Morane), Billy Kearns (Bill Ballantine), Arlette Thomas, Jean Topart.
Story: Bob, Bill and Miss Ylang-Ylang investigate a crashed alien sip in the Amazon.
Note: Based on Commando Épouvante (Book 100; 1970).

Voices: Ronald Gutman (Bob Morane).
Le sentier de la guerre

5. Lombard
: Eric Delhaye (Bob Morane).
Un parfum d'ylang-ylang
Alias MDO


Bob Morane
(Cactus Animation, Col., Two Seasons of Thirteen 26-min episodes, 1998)
Dir: Norman J. LeBlanc.
Note: French-Canadian co-production.

1. Terreur à la Manicouagan (Terror at Manicouagan)
Wri: Jean-Pierre Licionni.
Story: Based on Book No. 71 (1965).

2. Le Secret de l'Antarctique (Secret of the Antarctic)
Wri: Dominique Latil.
Story: Based on Book No. 74 (1965).

3. Trois Petits Singes (Three Little Monkeys)
Wri: Dominique Latil.
Story: Based on Book No. 153 (1980).

4. Les Chasseurs de Dinosaures (The Dinosaur Hunters)
Wri: Jean-Christophe Derrien.
Story: Based on Book No. 20 (1957).

5. Opération Wolf
Wri: Normand Canac-Marquis.
Story: Based on Book No. 60 (1963).

Service Secret Soucoupe (Solar System Sentinels)
Wri: Jean-Christophe Derrien.
Story: Based on Book No. 69 (1964).

7. La Vapeur du Passé (Vapours from the Past)
Wri: Claude Landry.
Story: Based on Book No. 62 (1963).

8. Les Dents du Tigre (Tooth of the Tiger)
Wri: Claude Landry.
Story: Based on Books No. 30-31 (1958).

9. Les Semeurs de Foudre (Harvest of Disaster)
Wri: Claude Landry.
Story: Based on Book No. 54 (1962).

10. Le Mystérieux Docteur Xhatan (Mysterious Dr. Xhatan)
Wri: Normand Canac-Marquis.
Story: Based on Book No. 79 (1966).

11. Xhatan, Maître de la Lumière (Xhatan, Master of Light)
Wri: Normand Canac-Marquis.
Story: Based on Book No. 80 (1966).

12. La Couronne de Golconde (The Crown of Golconda)
Wri: Éric Rondeaux.
Story: Based on Book No. 33 (1959).

13. L'Ombre Jaune (The Yellow Shadow)
Wri: Éric Rondeaux.
Story: Based on Book No. 35 (1959).

14. L'Épée du Paladin (Sword of the Paladin)
Wri: Geneviève Lefebvre.
Story: Based on Graphic Novel No. 8 (1967).

15. La Revanche de l'Ombre Jaune (Revenge of the Yellow Shadow)
Wri: Éric Rondeaux.
Story: Based on Book No. 37 (1959).

16. Le Châtiment de l'Ombre Jaune (Judgement of the Yellow Shadow)
Wri: Éric Rondeaux.
Story: Based on Book No. 38 (1960).

17. Les Tours de Cristal (The Towers of Cristal)
Wri: Geneviève Lefebvre.
Story: Based on Graphic Novel No. 3 (1962).

18. Commando Épouvante (Terror Commandos)
Wri: Denis Côté.
Story: Based on Book No. 100 (1970).

19. Le Retour de l'Ombre Jaune (Return of the Yellow Shadow)
Wri: Yves Coulon, Béatrice Marthouret.
Story: Based on Book No. 43 (1960).

20. Les Poupées de l'Ombre Jaune (Puppets of the Yellow Shadow)
Wri: Yves Coulon, Béatrice Marthouret.
Story: Based on Graphic Novel No. 11 (1970).

21. Rendez-Vous à Nulle Part (Rendezvous Nowhere)
Wri: Normand Canac-Marquis.
Story: Based on Book No. 106 (1971).

22. Opération Atlantide (Operation Atlantis)
Wri: Geneviève Lefebvre.
Story: Based on Book No. 14 (1956).

23. Les Murailles d'Ananké (The Walls of Ananke)
Wri: Lucie Lortie, Peter Lanbecker, Louise Roy.
Story: Based on Book No.127 (1974).

24. Les Périls d'Ananké (The Perils of Ananke)
Wri: Louise Roy.
Story: Based on Book No. 130 (1975).

25. Les Anges d'Ananké (The Angels of Ananke)
Wri: Claude Landry.
Story: Based on Book No. 134 (1976).

26. La Dernière Rosace (The Last Wall)
Wri: Claude Landry.
Story: Based on Books No. 141, 146 (1979).


Art: Dino Attanasio.
Note: Also see Bob Morane Classics. Dino Attanasio is an Italian artist.

1. L'Oiseau de Feu (
The Firebird) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1959; rep. Marabout No. 1, 1960; Lefrancq No. 1, 1989)
2. Le Secret de l'Antarctique (
The Secret of the Antarctic) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1960; rep. Marabout No. 2, 1962; Lefrancq No. 2, 1989)
3. Bob Morane et la Terreur Verte (
The Green Terror) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1961; rep. Marabout No. 5, 1963; Lefrancq No. 5, 1989)
4. Les Tours de Cristal (
The Towers of Crystal) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1961; rep. Marabout No. 3, 1962; Lefrancq No. 3, 1990)
5. Le Collier de Civa (
The Necklace of Shiva) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1962; rep. Marabout No.4, 1963; Lefrancq No. 4, 1989)

: Gérald Forton.
Note: Also see Bob Morane Classics.

6. La Piste de l'Ivoire (
The Ivory Trail) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1963; rep. as La Piste des Éléphants (The Elephants' Trails), Lefrancq No. 6, 1991)
7. Le Mystère de la Zone "Z" (
The Mystery of Zone Z) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1963; rep. Marabout No. 6, 1964; Dargaud No. 3, 1969)
8. Échec à la Main Noire (
The Black Hand in Check) (Het Laaste Nieuws, as Bob Morane zet de Onderwereld Schaakmat, 1963; rep. Lefrancq No. 7, 1992)
9. La Vallée des Crotales (
The Valley of the Rattlesnakes) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1964; rep. Marabout No. 7, 1964; Dargaud, No. 4, 1969)
10. L'Epée du Paladin (
The Sword of the Paladin) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1965; rep. Dar. No.1, 1967)
11. La Rivière de Perles (
The River of Pearls) (Pilote, 1965; rep. Lefrancq No. 7, 1992)
12. Le Secret des Sept Temples (
The Secret of the 7 Temples) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1965; rep. Dar. No. 2, 1968)
13. La Couronne de Golconde (
The Crown of Golconde) (Pilote, 1965; rep. Lefrancq No. 9, 1994)
14. La Chasse aux Dinosaures (
The Dinosaur Hunters) (Pilote, 1965; rep. Lefrancq No. 9, 1994)
15. L'Île du Passé (
The Island of the Past) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1966; rep. Lefrancq No. 11, 1995)
16. L'Ennemi sous la Mer (
The Undersea Enemy) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1966; rep. Lefrancq No. 12, 1995)
17. Les Masques de Soie (
The Silk Masks) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1967; rep. Lefrancq No. 13, 1996)
18. La Malédiction de Nosferat (
The Curse of Nosferat) (Pilote, 1967; rep. Lefrancq No. 15, 1997)
19. Les Loups sont sur la Piste (
The Wolves Are On The Trail) (Co-Art: William Vance) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1967; rep. Deligne, 1979)

Art: William Vance (William Van Cutsem).

20. Les Contrebandiers de l'Atome (
The Atom Smugglers) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1968; rep. Dar. No. 13, 1974)
21. Les Fils du Dragon (
The Sons of the Dragon) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1969; rep. Dar., No. 7, 1971)
22. Opération Chevalier Noir (
Operation Black Knight) (Pilote, 1969; rep. Dar. No, 5, 1970)
23. La Ville de Nulle Part (
Nowhere City) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1969; rep. Dar. No. 11, 1973)
24. L'Archipel de la Terreur (
The Archipelago of Terror) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1070; rep. Dar. No. 10, 1972)
25. Les Yeux du Brouillard (
The Eyes in the Fog) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1970; rep. Dar. No. 8, 1971)
26. Les Poupées de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Puppets of the Yellow Shadow) (Pilote, 1970; rep. Dar. No. 6, 1970)
27. Les Sept Croix de Plomb (
The Seven Lead Crosses) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1971; rep. Lom. No. 3, 1976)
28. Guérilla à Tumbaga (
Guerilla in Tumbaga) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1971; rep. Dar. No. 14, 1974)
29. La Prisonnière du Temps (
The Prisoner of Time) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1971; rep. as La Prisonnière de l'Ombre Jaune (The Prisoner of the Yellow Shadow), Dar. No. 9, 1972)
30. L'Oeil du Samurai (
The Eye of The Samurai) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1972; rep. Dar. No. 12, 1973)
31. Panne Sèche à Serrado (
Out of Gas in Serrado) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1973; rep. Lom. No. 2, 1975)
32. Les Géants de Mu (
The Giants of Mu) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1974; rep. Lom. No. 1, 1975)
33. Le Temple des Dinosaures (
The Temple of the Dinosaurs) (Femmes d'Aujourd'hui, 1975; rep. Lom. No. 5, 1977)
34. Les Sortilèges de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Spells of the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1975; rep. Lom. No. 4, 1976)
35. Les Bulles de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Bubbles of the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1977; rep. Lom. No. 6, 1978)
36. L'Empreinte du Crapaud (
The Mark of the Toad) (Tintin, 1978; rep. Lom. No. 7, 1979)
37. L'Empereur de Macao (
The Emperor of Macau) (Tintin, 1978; rep. Lom. No. 8, 1979)

Art: Francisco Coria.
Note: Francisco Coria is a Spanish artist.

38. Opération Wolf (
Tintin, 1980; rep. Lom. No. 9, 1980)
39. Commando Epouvante (
Terror Commando) (Tintin, 1980; rep. Lom. No. 10, 1981)
40. Les Guerriers de L'Ombre Jaune (
The Warriors of the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1980; rep. Lom. No. 11, 1982)
41. Service Secret Soucoupes (
Secret Service Saucers) (Tintin, 1981; rep. Lom. No. 12, 1982)
42. Le Président Ne Mourra Pas (
The President Will Not Die) (Tintin, 1982; rep. Lom. No. 13, 1983)
43. Les Chasseurs de Dinosaures (
The Dinosaur Hunters) (Tintin, 1983; rep. Lom. No. 14, 1984)
44. Une Rose pour L'Ombre Jaune (
A Rose for the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1984; rep. Lom. No. 15, 1984)
45. La Guerre des Baleines (
The War of the Whales) (Tintin, 1984; rep. Lom. No. 16, 1985)
46. Le Réveil du Mamantu (
The Mamantu Awakens) (Tintin, 1985; rep. Lom. No. 17, 1986)
47. Les Fourmis de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Ants of the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1987; rep. Lom. No. 18, 1987)
48. Le Dragon des Fenstone (
The Dragon of Fenstone) (Tintin, 1987; rep. Lom. No. 19, 1988)
49. Les Otages de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Hostages of the Yellow Shadow) (Tintin, 1988; rep. Lom. No. 20, 1988)
50. Snake (
Tintin, 1988; rep. Lom. No. 21, 1989)
51. Le Tigre des Lagunes (
The Lagoon Tiger) (Kuifje, 1989; rep. Lom. No. 22, 1989)
52. Le Temple des Crocodiles (
The Temple of the Crocodiles) (Kuifje, 1989; rep. Lom. No. 23, 1990)
53. Le Masque de Jade (
The Jade Mask) (Hello BD, 1990; rep. Lom. No. 24, 1990)
54. Trois Petits Singes (
Three Little Monkeys) (Hello BD, 1991; rep. Lom. No. 25, 1991)
55. Le Jade de Séoul (
The Jade From Seoul) (Hello BD, 1992; rep. Lom. No. 26, 1992)
57. La Cité des Rêves (
The City of Dreams) (Hello BD, 1993; rep. Lom. No. 27, 1993)
58. See
Bob Morane Classics.
59. L'Arbre de l'Éden (
The Tree From Eden) (Lom. No. 28, 1994)
60. See
Bob Morane Classics.
61. Un Parfum d'Ylang-Ylang (
A Scent of Ylang-Ylang) (Lom. No. 29, 1995)
62. Alias MDO (Lom. No. 30, 1996)
63. See
Bob Morane Classics.
64. L'Anneau de Salomon (
Solomon's Ring) (Lom. No. 31, 1996)
65. La Vallée des Brontosaures (
The Valley of the Brontosaurus) (Lom. No. 32, 1997)
66. La Revanche de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Revenge of the Yellow Shadow) (Lom. No. 33, 1998)
67. Le Châtiment de l'Ombre Jaune (
The Punishment of the Yellow Shadow) (Lom. No. 34, 1999)
68. Yang = Yin (Lom. No. 35, 2000)
69. Le Pharaon de Venise (
The Pharaoh of Venice) (Lom. No. 36, 2001)
70. L'oeil de l'Iguanodon (
Eye of the Iguanodon) (Lom. 2002)
71. Les déserts d'Amazonie (T
he Deserts of the Amazon) (Lom., 2003)
72. Retour au Crétacé (
Back to the Cretaceous) (Coria & Loup) (Lom., 2003)
74. La panthère des hauts plateaux (
Panther of the High Sierras) (Lom., 2004)

Art: Frank Leclerc
75. Les murailles d'Ananké (
The Walls of Ananke) (Ananke, 2004)

Bob Morane Classics
Note: New "old" adventures of Bob Morane taking plce earler in the series, drawn by the original artists.

58. La Vallée Infernale (
The Infernal Valley) (Art: Gérald Forton) (Lefrancq No. 8, 1993)
60. La Galère Engloutie (The Sunken Galley) (
Art: Dino Attanasio) (Lefrancq No. 10, 1994)
63. Le Club des Longs Couteaux (
The Club of the Long Knives) (Art: Gérald Forton) (Lefrancq No. 14, 1996)
Objectif Equuus (Ananke, 2003)