Through an inheritance from a mysterious uncle, young Tiriel discovers a gateway to a world of heroic-fantasy. There, he helps lead a revolution against the beautiful but evil Queen Eno.
The Stories Publishing History
1. Tiriel, héritier d'un monde [Tiriel, Inheritor of a World] ("Lucky Luke"
Nos.5, 7, 9, 1974; Fernand Nathan; 1975 (b&w); "Humanoïdes Associés", 1982 (color))
2. Retour a Golgonooza [Return to Golgonooza] (uncompleted story) ("Métal
Hurlant" Nos.79-82, 1982-1983)
Tiriel was first serialized in "Lucky
Luke" magazine in 1974, then collected as a b&w graphic novel by
publisher Fernand Nathan in 1975. It was
then reprinted in color by Les Humanoides Associes
in 1982. A new Tiriel story began in
"Metal Hurlant" that same year,
but was left unfinished.
The Authors