Wri/Art: Bob Vinell (Robert Meyer).

Super-scientist / inventor
Radar explores the Solar system.

The Stories

1. Course à la Lune (Race to the Moon) (1947)
2. Derrière la Lune (Behind the Moon) (1947)
3. Panique dans la Lune (Panic on the Moon) (1947)
4. La Planète de l'Épouvante (The Planet of Terror) (1947)
5. La Guerre des Robots (The War of the Robots) (1947)
6. L'Enfer aux Rayons Verts (The Green Ray Hell) (1947)
7. Les Titans du Ciel (The Titans of the Sky) (1947)
8. Le Cyclone de Minuit (The Midnight Cyclone) (1947)
9. Les Robinsons de Vénus (The Robinsons of Venus) (1947)
10. La Caverne du Silence (The Cavern of Silence) (1947)
11. Le Prisonnier du Néant (The Prisoner of the Void) (1947)
12. La Lutte Fratricide (A Brotherly Fight) (1947)

Publishing History

Published in 1947 in the magazine
Radar by Éditions du Siècle/Imperia. Never collected in the graphic novel format.