Created by: Marcel Navarro (1919- ) The Stories
Publishing History
Scripts: Franco Frescura
Art: Luciano Bernasconi
L'Autre [The
Other] is the story of an extra-dimensional alien with shapeshifting powers
who has been sent by an evil intelligence -- the "Great Mind" -- to sow "ruin, fear and chaos" on Earth. He is discovered and pursued
by French journalist, Jean Vlad.
The Other claims to be Vlad's extra-dimensional counterpart -- indeed, in ep.
4, Vlad is sent to the Other's native dimension and undergoes a complete role
reversal and becomes the monster. The Other
can return home only after accomplishing his nefarious mission, and defeating Vlad in single, hand-to-hand combat.
1. Je t’attendais Jean Vlad [I Was Waiting For You, Jean Vlad] (FU 11, 1973)
2. La Grande Confrontation [The Great Confrontation]
(FU 12, 1973)
3. Au Bord de l'Abime [On The Edge of the Abyss]
(FU 13, 1973)
4. Un Monde Inconnu [An Unknown World]
(FU 14, 1973)
5. Saut dans le Vide [Jump Into The Void]
(FU 15, 1973)
6. Gel, Feu, Soleil, Tenebres [Frost, Fire, Sun, Darkness]
(FU 16, 1973)
7. Rampants et Volants [Crawling And Flying Things]
(FU 17, 1974)
8. Vainqueur et Vaincu [Victor & Vanquished]
(FU 18, 1974)
L’Autre is virtually a remake of Wampus which had been cancelled
after only six issues because of censorship problems. As a result, it is a tamer and far less nihilistic
series. The two aliens, however, share the same unique eye design. L'Autre was published in "Futura"
Nos. 11-18 (1973-74).
The Authors.