Writer: Claude Dupré (pseudonym of Agnes Guilloteau)
Artist: Jean Ache (pseudonym of Jean Huet) (1923-1985)
Nic & Mino Dabarin are two twins (Nic is blond, Mino dark-haired). With their companions, Tao, a Confucius-quoting Chinese, Bob,
an annoying American journalist, Sweet Grannie,
an American billionaire, and the eccentric Professor Zaparelli, they become involved in a series of fantastic adventures. During one of these, they
discover a lost civilization of Conquistadores, from which they bring back another companion, the tempestuous Captain
Haddock-like Pistoletas. Other adventures
include the discovery of a technologically-advanced, secret island society, the chase after an artichoke-headed
Venusian, searching for Noah's ark, etc. Their arch-enemy is Legrand-Ixe, the leader of a nefarious international criminal organization.
The Stories
from "Le Journal de Mickey" Magazine
1. SOS de l'Oncle Octave [SOS From Uncle Octave]
(MI Nos. 293-332, 1958)
2. Un Appel de L'Antarctique [A Call From Antarctica]
(MI. Nos. 333-363, 1959)
3. Destination Inconnue [Destination Unknown]
(MI Nos. 364-404, 1960) (in book form: Le Mystère de la Cité Perdue [The
Mystery Of The Forgotten City], Edi-Monde, 1962)
4. Le Voyageur de l'Espace [The Space Traveller]
(MI Nos. 405-438, 1960) (in book form: La Chasse au Vénusien [The Venusian
Hunt], Edi-Monde, 1962)
5. L'Ile Inaccessible [The Inaccessible Island]
(MI Nos. 439-471, 1961) (in book form: Le Secret de l'île Interdite [The
Secret Of The Forbidden Island], Edi-Monde, 1963)
6. La Chasse aux Milliardaires [The Hunt For Billionaires]
(MI nos. 472-506, 1961-62) (in book form: Legrand-Ixe contre les Milliardaires [Legrand-Ixe
vs. The Billionaires], Edi-Monde, 1964)
7. Gare aux Sauterelles [Beware The Locusts]
(MI Nos. 507-541, 1962)
8. Les Ratapous à l'Heure Atomique [The Ratapous In The Atomic Age] (MI Nos. 542-576, 1963)
9. Terrible Tante Amélie [Terrible Aunt Amelia]
(MI Nos. 577-608, 1964)
10. Flash sur l'Amazonie [Flash Over Amazonia]
(MI Nos. 609-643, 1964)
11. Des Artichauts dans le Désert [Artichokes In The Desert] (MI Nos. 644-705, 1965) (based on a novel by Henri d'Albret)
12. Le Fantôme du Fier-à-Bras [The Ghost Of The Fier-à-Bras] (MI Nos. 706-737, 1966)

Nic, Tao, Bob & Mino
Pistoletas rescuing Sweet Grannie
Publishing History
Nic & Mino were originally serialized
two-pages a week in "Le Journal de Mickey"
(published by Edi-Monde) from 1958 to
1966. Only four stories were collected as graphic novels, under slightly different titles.
The Author
Jean Ache (1923-1985) was the pseudonym of French writer/artist
Jean Huet, an homage to the famous illustrator Caran d'Ache. After working on numerous children's magazines during World War II, creating Tonton Molecule for "O.K." and Achille, Lastuce & Cremolet for "Mon Journal",
Ache created the mermaid Arabelle for the daily newspaper
"France-Soir" in 1950, the sexy
super-heroine Coraline
for "France-Dimanche", and the
long-running juvenile adventure series Nic et Mino
for "Le Journal de Mickey" in
1958. He was also the author of a number of popular series, such as Archibald, Agenor and Amanda (a sexy female ghost) for "France Dimanche", Pat'apouf for "Le Pelerin"
(1973-1985) and Ortax le Robot for "Pistil".
Legrand-Ixe and his criminal empire

Nic & Mino © 2001 Ache/Dupre. All rights reserved.