Writer: Jack Nolez (Jacques Lennoz)
The Stories
Publishing History FOR MORE ABOUT "MUSTANG", SEE Because of its lack of popularity, only eight episodes were produced. The series
ended on an unresolved cliffhanger (Earth being under attack from the Gronz) and was replaced by Cosmo. The Authors Jacques Lennoz
is a French writer.
Artist: Frank Honest
(Franco Oneta)
Native American Ozark is given a sacred
amulet that grants him super-powers. He, a cosmic-powered horse called Mustang and the Magic Circus
troupe (that has also been granted powers by the amulet) fight the extra-dimensional entity Typho, the mad Dr. Kain
and the alien invaders Gronz.
1. Le Cheval de Feu [The Fire Horse] (MU
54, 1980)
2. Typho (MU 55, 1980)
3. Entre Ciel et Terre [Between Heaven And Earth]
(MU 56, 1980)
4. Sauvez Mustang [To Save Mustang] (MU
57, 1980)
5. Qui êtes-vous, Docteur Kaïn? [Who Are You, Doctor Kain?] (MU 58, 1980)
6. Le Fils du Dr. Kaïn [The Son Of Doctor Kain]
(MU 59, 1980)
7. La Revolte de Tiw! [The Revolt Of Tiw!]
(MU 60, 1981)
8. Orvik, Messager de l’Espace [Orvik, Messenger From Space] (MU 61, 1981)
Mustang was created at Editions Lug's publisher Marcel Navarro's suggestion in order to have an eponymous superhero character in the newly-reformatted magazine
"Mustang" (which previously
contained only western series)..
For more on Franco Oneta, .
Writers: Terry Stillborn & Jefferson Martin London. Artist: Jefferson Martin London. A la Recherche d'Ozark [Searching For Ozark] (Special-Zembla No. 154, 2000) Il Faut Sauver Mustang! [We Must save Mustang!] (Special-Zembla No. 155, 2000) Writer: Jefferson Martin London. Artist: Jean-Jacques Dzialowski. "Le Disciple" [The Disciple] (Fantask No. 1, 2001) "Les Inquisiteurs" [The Inquisitors] (Fantask No. 2, 2001) Writer: Jefferson Martin London. Artist: Chris Malgrain. "L'Enfant et les Sortilèges" [The Child and the Spells] (Fantask No. 3, 2001) Writer/Artist: Chris Malgrain. Les Ailes de la Vengeance [The Wings of Vengeance] (Fantask No. 4-5, 2001) |