The Authors
Guy Pellaert (1934- ) was born in Brussels
and studied at the Beaux-Arts. After working in advertising, he drew Jodelle in 1966, and Pravda
in 1967. In 1968, he produced a series of pop art-inspired photo-comics for "Hara-Kiri": The Game,
She and the Greenhairs (written by Roger
Wolfs) and a regular comics, Karachi! Pellaert then left comics to work in theater and television. In 1973, he produced Rock Dreams, a book collecting a series of paintings featuring
pop music artists.
Pascal Thomas (1945- ) was a film critic and journalist before directing his first feature film in 1972,
the hugely successful Les Zozos.
His films are often simple love stories, set against a nostalgic provincial background. His major successes
include Le Chaud Lapin (1974), Celles qu'on a pas eues (1981) and Pagaille (1991).
