The "Anticipation"
imprint of Fleuve Noir was initially
entrusted to editor François Richard
-- half of the writing team of Richard-Bessière.
Its particularity was that it cultivated its own brand of in-house authors: Richard-Bessière, Jean-Gaston Vandel
(another writing team better known as "Paul Kenny", creator of French James Bond-like hero, Coplan FX-18), Jimmy Guieu, Stefan Wul and B.-R.
Bruss, to which were later added Maurice
Limat, Max-Andre Rayjean, Kurt Steiner, Peter
Randa, Gérard Klein (writing as "Gilles d’Argyre"), Pierre Barbet, Paul Béra,
and Jean-Louis & Doris Le May.
A particularity of the imprint was that its authors' style owed relatively little, at least at first, to their
American counterparts. The early volumes of the imprint followed the literary traditions established by J.-H. Rosny Aîné and Maurice
Renard. "Anticipation" also published a few selected novels by American or British authors, such as Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov (the first Lucky Starr novel), Arthur C. Clarke,
A.E. Van Vogt and John Wyndham, as well as translations of the successful German
Perry Rhodan series.
"Anticipation"'s futuristic
heroes included Maurice Limat's Chevalier Coqdor (a galactic super-hero) Jimmy Guieu's Blade &
Baker (two space traders), Richard-Bessiere's Dan Seymour (a
galactic spy), M.-A. Rayjean's Joe Maubry (a future journalist), J. & D. Le May's Galactic
Investigations (a futuristic FBI/CIA), Louis Thirion's Jord Maogan (a
starship captain), Jan de Fast's Dr. Alan (a galactic doctor), J.-P. Garen's Surveillance Service of Primitive Planets, Pierre Barbet's Alex Courville
(a galactic investigator), Roland Wagner's
Future Mysteries of Paris series, and
G.-J. Arnaud prodigious saga, The Ice Company,
and many more (see details here).
Modern-day sci-fi heroes published by "Anticipation"
included J.-G. Vandel's Bureau of the Unseen, Richard-Bessiere's Sydney Gordon (a
journalist), Jimmy Guieu's Gilles Novak (another journalist),
Robert Clauzel's Eridan (an alien protecting earth).
"Anticipation"'s output increased
from two to six titles a month in 1966. The line began to attract some new blood: in 1968 with Louis Thirion, then in 1970 came Robert Clauzel, in 1971 Jean-Pierre Andrevon
and G.-J. Arnaud, in 1972 Pierre Pelot, and in 1976 Julia Verlanger.
In 1974, control of the editorship passed into the hands of Patrick Siry, who also supervised a reprint program of older titles. Under Siry’s editorship, "Anticipation" managed to attract authors like Michel
Jeury in 1980, Joël Houssin and Daniel Walther in 1981, Serge Brussolo
in 1982, Jacques Mondoloni in 1984, Jean-Marc
Ligny in 1988, etc. It also fostered
major new talents such as Michel Pagel,
Alain Paris, Serge Lehman, Ayerdhal, Roland
C. Wagner, and Michel Honaker.
"Anticipation" began publishing
heroic-fantasy in the mid-1980s with sagas by Hugues Douriaux, Alain Paris, Jean-Marc
Ligny, and Daniel Walther.
The "Anticipation" imprint finally
ended in 1997 with (appropriately) No. 2001, mutating into other science fiction imprints (including one lamely
entitled "SF").



